Electrolysis-driven weathering of basic minerals for long-term ocean buffering and CO2 reduction
PI: Burke Hales, Oregon State University
Start Year: 2023 | Duration: 3 years
Partners: Oregon State University, NOAA PMEL
Project Abstract:
Environmental risks could result from releasing too much alkalinity into ocean waters, as well as releasing harmful byproducts. In order for this method to successfully remove carbon from the atmosphere, it will also need to be powered almost exclusively by renewable energy. To address these risks, the team will develop an alkalinization system for seawater that is simple to control, limits the simultaneous release of harmful byproducts like chlorine, and operates on wave energy. Researchers will design components and procedures that minimize the generation and release of these byproducts while carefully controlling the alkalinity of the effluent. To address sustainably powering the system, the team will test how much power the alkalinization system requires and build a wave-energy power system that can support its operation. Once the technical specifications are established, the team will use circulation and ecosystem models to simulate the addition of alkalinity across a variety of seawater conditions representing real-life Oregon coastal waters where this type of system may be deployed. Modeling will identify the best local conditions for alkalinity enhancement and identify local ecosystem sensitivities to alkalinization actions. Subsequent laboratory experiments will help identify ways to limit impacts of alkalinity enhancement on sensitive life stages of commercially and culturally sensitive species, including California mussels, Olympia oysters, Dungeness crab, and eelgrass.